Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Computer Poetry

Jonah taught me how to make computer poetry. The basic requirements are a) a computer, b) a microphone, and c) some gurgled noises or a mumbling voice. You basically put these noises to a dictation program on Word. Since computers are not flawless, the outcome is a bunch of words that are nowhere near similar to their input. Some of it is surprisingly profound.

Here are a couple phrases that popped out when Jonah read Whitman's 'Song of Myself' to it:

-You will never see any more efficiently

-Please find the truth

-I suspect that I am. And that is not very somber

-Some of them make sense..... (this one is coincidental, no?)

However, some of it was really mundane. There seemed to be a lot of business related words. Obviously, this is probably because the business world is the program's target market. There was a lot of talk about times and numbers. Also, political words like presidency and candidacy came up a lot...

Anyway, Jonah gave me the sheets of paper and told me to create a poem out of some of my favorite lines. I rearranged, added some words, and corrected some punctuation. Here's what I concocted:

(Before you proceed, please understand I agree what I'm about to do is totally cheesy. I know... But I was reading Blogger.com's Administrative Rules and Guidelines, and one of them is, and I quote, 'every blogger must post at least one of their personal poems in said blog. This poem, in all likelihood, will be extremely awful and nearly unreadable by the general public. Suggested topics include: how much you hate the president, how painful love is, why the mainstream is ridiculous, etc. We encourage you to please keep an 'emo' state of mind while writing.' I'm not kidding. It's in the fine print. Just fulfilling the requirement with this post...)

The company has claimed 'now's the perfect time'
That comes as a given
Jump in. Right now.
They say 'make us your main task'
He says 'what about me?'
They say 'consider yourself now a we'
He says 'thanks for the future'
They say 'don't mention it'
Where I come from
In our inventory
We consider him a low level loss

House Party